Berlin | Germany

It is May 14th. We are somewhere in the Corona pandemic. How do you experience the situation?

The Corona experience has a lot of negative, scary things really. But a lot of it, for me, the way I look at it, it's very positive in a different scale, for things and people close to my own environment. It has great impact on me and my husband, the kids, the family, even my own parents who are locked up in Holland. They're far away, but between them things are going very well. It's very interesting what it does to relationships.

And my creativity is streaming. I'm dreaming a lot. I'm tapping into the unconscious. This is my time. So, as I'm doing well and I'm observing every bit of it, every day is different. There are ups and downs. But I have the feeling I'm alive.

The situation has been going on for, let's say, two months, or two and a half. When you look at this time, is there anything you observe or you learn about yourself, the city you live in or the society? When you look at this time, what do you observe? What do you learn?

The way I observe it is what I've always been seeing, but I have the feeling that it is becoming more and more sharp, it is becoming more focused. That we are all one. We are all connected with one another, but also with nature.

And honestly, I think this virus, wherever it came from, whoever invented it, is a genius. It's the only way that mankind can understand this. We'll have to look into a mirror and understand our own responsibility of being a human being on this earth. And that it's important that we all feel this is a huge challenge. And what I see around me is that people are either opening up or the closing down. I see very clearly how people react to this.

People who follow the news, the statistics, the numbers, they fear and they become smaller. And the other group they become, as Brené Brown puts it, wholehearted. They open and they feel this is the time to look, to act and to actually change. It's all about transformation and everything is loose. I'd say the whole earth is in a sort of an earthquake for everyone. We're all in it. We're all one. We're all part of it.

Yet, some emerging economies are having huge problems. But I also think that some of them can cope with it better than we Westerns in the Western world. It's very interesting what's happening to the people who rule the world, who felt they were in control. We are less in control now. I find it all very interesting.

This is this is how I observe it, how I see it. But the main thing is we have to help each other. And nature is coming closer to us. And the interesting thing in Berlin, the foxes are walking around. The birds are coming close. Really, nature is coming to us. Beautiful. Beautiful.

Thank you. So, we looked a bit on how you experience the situation and what observations and learnings there are now. Lets turn our gaze, so to say, forward. And when you look ahead to a time when we learned to live well with the virus. What do you want more of? And what do you want less of? 

I think it's very important that we understand that we all had it and that it's all here. And I would like people to more see that in their own neighbourhoods, in their own society, in their own territory where they live – there is already everything. And that today we search far away. We bring products from far away. Take it from far away. It's all this economic thinking. And I hope also politically and economically, we come up with a whole new structure, a whole new thinking. 

But we have to start from ourselves in our own small communities and reinvent life, being much more in balance with nature. So, I would like much more of that. And I would like to teach people to see that and to understand that.

And in my own work, in ritual, we have rituals everywhere. And I would love to teach people to create new rituals and to give meaning, much more meaning. And not to fly up there, but to stand on the earth and also to be grateful to what we have. 

We are staying with the future. What is your wildest dream for the future? What don't you even allow yourself sometimes to dream?

The future is for the world or for myself?


Well, as I said, we are in balance. We've always been in balance through history. It doesn't seem that way, but we are. There's always the dark and the light side of the things. And I wish we could see that. That we understand that what is, is good. Always. And that takes away fear, that allows emotions, that allows much more connection between people.

Again, in my work I believe in connecting people from different parts of the world, from different cultures, maybe with even creatures out of space. 

It is really about balance and understanding that it is already there. We just have to see it.

I hope the world and the people around me and myself even more, celebrate balance and life in general. And my biggest hope is that with what I do and with what I create, is that I can give people this mind twist and give them this mindset to create and to be creative, to be extremely creative in every way. And to find their own solutions and not wait for politicians or whatever. It's all at your doorstep. That's my wish. 

Great. Thank you very much.