Stories of Power: A Conversation with Julie Diamond

Power is one of the most widely used concepts in the social sciences. From organisational theory to political sciences, from sociology to social justice, power is one of the key concepts to understanding, explain and change social and interpersonal dynamics.

To map the field and build context for Beyond Storytelling 2020 POWER OF STORY | STORIES OF POWER, I had the pleasure to spend a half hour in conversation with Julie Diamond about her work and Stories of Power.

In the conversation, we focus on her interest in the topic, the challenges of talking about power, common myth in working with power and what story of power she wants to see more of. It was an enlightning conversation. Enjoy! (And don´t mind the bad lighting on my side – the content is more than worth it).

Julie Diamond is founder of Diamond Leadership, providing leadership and talent development services to clients around the globe. Her special interest are the power dynamics on an interpersonal and personal level. She writes regularly on medium and has published a series of books, most recently “Power: A User´s Guide”.