THE BIGGER PICTURE - Power of visual Storytelling in intercultural communication

As HR-experts, we dive to find interculturally competent talents. As PR specialists we need to think „out of water“ and practice the perspective change to make sure we meet the needs of the intercultually complex audiences. As intercultural trainers, coaches and consultants, we often jump into deep cold water when trying out new methods to improve people’s intercultural sensitivity. All of us can never have the guarantee that our message comes across the way we have intended. Too many generalizations reinforce stereotypes, too vague comments give the impression of relativity. A possible way to make sure our message comes over clearly is to share a particular culturally related story and describe the cultural context of that encounter. The secret recipee is to focus on the „happy end“ and on the synergy effects rather than listing possible challenges and differences.

The workshop focuses on top three goals and objectives:

  • Getting to know storytelling methods that can be used in the intercultural context to reinforce the positive aspects of diversity, such as happiness in the intercultural cooperation
  • Practicing storytelling methods to enhance self-reflection & to awake more curiosity
  • Applying visual storytelling to develop intercultural sensitivity